Biden-Harris Administration Funds $427 Million In Upgrades For U.S. Airports
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Biden-Harris Administration Funds $427 Million In Upgrades For U.S. Airports

Home » AIRLINE NEWS » Biden-Harris Administration Funds $427 Million In Upgrades For U.S. Airports Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Reading Time: 3 minutes Biden-Harris admin allocates $427M to modernize U.S. airports, enhancing safety and capacity. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, is distributing $427 million across 245 airport infrastructure…

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ABTA Releases Essential Checklist to Jumpstart Your Summer Trips

Home » EUROPE » ABTA Releases Essential Checklist to Jumpstart Your Summer Trips Friday, June 21, 2024 Reading Time: 2 minutes As the summer peak season draws near, ABTA – The Travel Association, is urging vacationers to utilize its Travel Checklist to ensure they are fully prepared for their upcoming trips. This comprehensive eight-step guide…

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Greece to attend the 121st UN Tourism Executive Council in Barcelona

Home » Greece » Greece to attend the 121st UN Tourism Executive Council in Barcelona Monday, June 10, 2024 Reading Time: < 1 minute Greece will be present at the 121st UN Tourism Executive Council to be held in Barcelona, Spain, during June 10-11. Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni will represent the country. The Executive Council...